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What do

we do?

We mobilize resources from institutional and individual donors, both national and international, constituting a bridge between donors and activists that facilitates access to financing organizations.

We provide economic resources, accompaniment and workshops to territorial organizations and networks of womens, girls, and trans people who work for the advancement of their rights. With these resources we support them to get their objectives.

We create spaces of coordinations between organizations, and between organizations and donors, supporting the existence of social movements diverse and influential.

We are part of the social movements that advance towards the transformation of society for a good and dignified life for everyone.

How do

we do it?


We deliver direct economic contributions to territorial organizations and networks


With this support, organizations move towards their objectives.


In this road we accompany them through meetings, conversations and visits their territories


We encourage reflection and dialogue through workshops, forums and collective conversations.


We promote articulations through meetings, alliances and joint initiatives.


Having resources brings new strength to organizations and activists, allowing them to project their actions in a sustainable way and and lasting way over time.


How to apply for a


We currently have two types of funds: the General Fund and the Activist Fund

General fund

Direct contributions to finance work plans of organizations for 10 months. They are flexible resources for activist work expenses and the realization of their actions, strategies and activities. These organizations must be at least one year old.

The application is through open calls that are made once a year, during the first semester. They emphasize various lines of action. We work in horizontal alliances with the selected organizations, fostering articulation, making their work visible; and conducting support workshops in communications and feminist money management.

Fondo Integral

activist fund

It consists of a contingent contribution and rapid delivery for specific and urgent actions. It is aimed to organizations that require economic resources for public actions, to face crisis situations, violation of rights and/or commemorations on emblematic dates for the feminist and social justice movements. It can only be applied once a year.

Pasacalle a 49 años del golpe militar en Chile.